How To Have the “What Are We?” Conversation


Defining the relationship, or having the “What are we?” conversation, is a critical point in every budding romantic connection. It’s a discussion that helps both parties understand their status and set expectations for the future. Although it might seem daunting, having a clear and honest conversation about your relationship can help you avoid misunderstandings and build a stronger bond. Here’s how to approach the “What are we?” talk.

1. Know What You Want

Before you initiate the conversation, take some time to reflect on what you want out of the relationship. Are you looking for a committed relationship? Are you happy keeping things casual? Understanding your own feelings and expectations will help you communicate more clearly and honestly during the discussion.

2. Choose the Right Time

Timing is crucial when it comes to having the “What are we?” conversation. You don’t want to rush into it too soon, but waiting too long can lead to confusion or hurt feelings. A good indicator that it might be time for the talk is when you start to feel unsure about where things are headed and find yourself thinking about the relationship status often.

3. Create a Safe and Comfortable Space

The setting for this discussion should be somewhere private and comfortable where you both can speak openly without distractions or interruptions. Choose a time and place where you both can be fully present and relaxed.

4. Be Honest and Direct

When you have the conversation, be as honest and direct as possible. Clearly express what you want and how you feel about the relationship. This is not the time to be vague or beat around the bush. The goal is to ensure that both of you have a clear understanding of where things stand.

5. Be Prepared for Any Outcome

Before you have the conversation, prepare yourself for any outcome. The other person might want the same things as you, or they might not. While it can be tough if you’re not on the same page, it’s better to know sooner rather than later.

6. Listen to Their Perspective

While it’s crucial to express your feelings and desires, it’s equally important to listen to your partner’s perspective. Understand their feelings, wants, and concerns. This conversation should be a two-way street, and making them feel heard and respected will lead to a more productive discussion.

7. Be Patient

Finally, remember to be patient. If your partner needs time to think about what they want, respect that. Similarly, if the conversation doesn’t go as planned, give it some time. These things often need more than one discussion.

In conclusion, having the “What are we?” conversation can seem intimidating, but it’s an essential step in any evolving relationship. It encourages transparency, respect, and understanding, helping to foster a stronger bond between you and your partner. By understanding your own feelings, communicating clearly, and respecting each other’s perspectives, you can navigate this conversation successfully.

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