How to Be Friends With a Guy in a New Relationship

Friends with a guy

Does a new relationship excite you?

Do you get to enjoy nights out, quiet walks, and meaningful conversations? It feels wonderful to have a boyfriend in your life. The question is, how do you keep the connection? Is there any way to be friends with a guy in a new relationship? Let’s find out.

Sit down and think about the moments in your past relationships that made you feel loved and care taken. Draw a blank on a piece of paper and write down the feelings you have when you are together. Are these the emotions you experience when you are with your on-going relationship friends?

Put your answers down on a separate sheet of paper and now you are ready for you to be friends with a guy in a new relationship.

Enjoy doing with your on-going relationship friends

Put your best smile on and think about the things you enjoy doing with your on-going relationship friends. If you are wanting to be friends with a guy in a new relationship, then figure out ways to spend time together. One of the keys to becoming good friends with a guy is to keep on the same page with him.

If your life is busy with other things, don’t have the time to spend time with your on-going relationship friends. Take action that charges your battery so you can spend that time VERY SECONDS.

Be a part of his daily life. Click estyannerships, buy little presents for him that reflect how much you care. Help him clean his car, fix his sink, put clean toilet paper on his arms… things of the sort that will fill your time doing special things with your on-going relationship friends…. filthy finger doing dishes? Do something thoughtful and sexy to do things with his on-going relationship friends… and be A GOOD FRIEND, not just a friend.

Friends with a guy

You don’t have to change who you are for get friends with a guy

In fact,you don’t have to spend time with your on-going relationship friends. The fact that you know each other through your on-going relationship friends is a big advantage. With this guy, you can be “just friends”. The comfort you will feel is a goodblush to the guy in your on-going relationship. Chances are, he doesn’t even realize that he has feelings for you because he thinks you are just a friend for now.

Cook a pie with your on-going relationship friends. You can be the ” pie” in his future. The one who will fill his heart with love and fond recall of times well spent. Are you perfect? Money and looks? Not really, no. But how about this? Do you put food on the table EVERY EVENING and help out when he has a bad day at work? Maybe he is on his own and has no extra money, but you still become his absolute best friend after the works thing or parties.

Active friends are very attractive and make for a very strong presence in the middle of the woods. And hanging out with you in a group of his favorite buddies will fill his heart with music and laughter and bring him close in his heart.

Take it slow when it comes to his feelings for you

Hanging out with you in your on-going relationship might be intimidating to him at first. He is afraid of getting caught up in the relationship and messing things up, BUT……Friends have amazing influence in a relationship, so use this to your advantage.

Every once in awhile, let him know, “I may be falling for you too.” Care to know if you will be his girl, too.

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